"10 numara kübistim bacım..."

this roughly translates in american slang as, "i am helluva cubist, sister..."
you might guess "10 numara" means number 10 (out of 10). and bacı (nothing to do with baci for all the italians out there) means sister in a paternalistic/african-american slang sense. a turkish guy would call any female which he reveres, bacı. this ranges from female family members to a woman on the street to indicate there is no intent of courtship. basically it is a though guys term for a female.
the term cubism signifies anything high brow that do represent any kind of interest or understanding from the common public.
thus we have the motto of a post-modern plebian though guy, "i am helluva cubist, sister..."
compare this to another turkish urban art masterpiece, "hatasız kunst olmaz"
compare and contrast! i will do it!